Facilities Available
Dr Gunjan Deshpande has been practicing as a Glaucoma and Phaco Surgeon, since 2011, constantly developing and advancing her medical skills and techniques over the years. She now offers several services and specialised procedures for glaucoma. She recognises the importance of a patient-centered medical experience, which inspires her to create strong and long-lasting bonds with each of her patients. It’s a privilege to serve the community of Nagpur by providing quality medical attention through sound medical advice and responsible diagnoses and procedures. Get in touch to learn more about the ways in which she can help you.
Facilities Available

Humphrey's Visual Field Analyser 840 by Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc, is a state-of-the-art machine which provides Guided Progression Analyses (GPA), Visual Field Index (VFI), STATPAC and gaze tracking. Being patient friendly it greatly reduces testing time.
Biomedix Echorule Pro is used for measuring axial length and anterior chamber depth. The is a compact machine and gives highly accurate results in IOL power calculations.

Keelers Pachypen gives accurate corneal thickness measurements. Owing to its design, it is versatile and handheld.

Diurnal IOP measurement is an essential part of glaucoma management. Values are recorded at intervals which decide the risk for disease or progression.

Gonioscopy is performed to differentiate types of glaucoma and identify different pathologies. Both therapeutic and diagnostic gonioscopes are available at Max Vision.

Indirect Ophthalmoscopy is performed for detailed examination of optic nerve and retina. It is essential for screening retina for diabetes, high blood pressure, other diseases that affect blood vessels.

Dry Eye evaluation involves detailed examination of the eye, eyelids, meibomian glands, and adnexa. Schirmer strips, fluorescein, Rose bengal and Lissamine green stains are used.

Lasers for glaucoma are performed for angle closure. Being non-invasive, they are OPD based procedures.

Fundus on Phone helps you capture exceptional images that aid in quick diagnosis without dilating the eye or discomforting the patient.