Speciality Clinics
Dr Gunjan Deshpande has been practicing as a Glaucoma and Phaco Surgeon, since 2011, constantly developing and advancing her medical skills and techniques over the years. She now offers several services and specialised procedures for glaucoma. She recognises the importance of a patient-centered medical experience, which inspires her to create strong and long-lasting bonds with each of her patients. It’s a privilege to serve the community of Nagpur by providing quality medical attention through sound medical advice and responsible diagnoses and procedures. Get in touch to learn more about the ways in which she can help you.

Glaucoma is a chronic disease of the eye which damages the optic nerve. The loss of vision is painless and gradual and hence the disease is also called the 'Secret Thief of Sight'.
The loss of vision starts from the periphery and eventually involves the fixation.

Pediatric Glaucoma
Some kids can have glaucoma from birth or may acquire the disease anywhere till adolscence.The causes can be congenital, secondary due to inflammation or tumours and traumatic. These kids must receive treatment at the earliest becasue it may hamper visual development.

Cataract is the clouding of the normal clear lens of the eye. Most cataracts develop slowly with age. Proteins in the lens breakdown and vision becomes blurred and less colourful.

Premium IOL
Premium IOLs match more closely the shape and optical quality of the eye's natural lens. As a result they provide a better range of visionafter cataract surgery or clear lens extraction. They are designed in such a way that they offer minimal dependance on glasses.

Dry Eye Disease
Dry eye disease is a common condition that occurs when tears can not provide adequate lubrication for ones eyes. Tear film can be unstable for many reasons.Symptoms include redness, itching, gritty feeling, discharge and blurred vsion. Evaluation of eyes and comorbid conditions is essential.

Computer Vision Syndrome
Also known as Digital Vision Syndrome, it referrs to a group of eye and vision related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet or cellphone use. Symptoms range from dryness, headache, pain in eyes and blurred vision.

Neuro Ophthalmology
Neuro-ophthalmology is a super speciality which merges neurology and ophthalmology. Management includes complex diseases of the nervous system that may affect the vision, eye movements, pupillary reflexes or ocular alignment.

Contact Lens
Contact lenses are thin, clear discs which can be worn directly on the eyes to improve vision. They aer specifically useful for eyes with high refractive error or those people who do not want to use glasses.Contact lenses move with the eye, allow a natural field of view, have no frames to obstruct vision and greatly reduce distortions. They do not fog up like glasses and are excellent for sports and other physical activities.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is an ocular complication of the same disease. It is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the back of the eye. These blood vessels can swell and leak. Or they can close, stopping the blood flow. Symptoms include floaters, blurred vision and distortion of vision. There are two stages non-proliferative and proliferative. Treatment includes diabetes control, lasers, intravitreal injections and surgery.

Pterygium is a non-cancerous growth on the surface of the eye.It can remain small for a long period of time or grow enough to cover part of the cornea, which can affect vision. Usually seen in eyes exposed to UV light from sun, wind and dust. Management involves surgical resection of the pterygium.

Ocular Allergies
Ocular allergies can be seasonal, perennial or atopic. It is an inflammmatory reaction of the surface of the eye to particles in the atmosphere. Symptoms include redness, itching, rubbing of eyes and blurring of vision in severe cases. Treatment includes identification of allergen, cold compress and use of therapeutic eyedrops.